We have you covered.

Liliana Marquez

I was born and raised in a small farm in Jalisco, Mexico. I had the opportunity to come to the United States when I was 15 years old, and my life turn upside down after that. I had to learn a new language and have a completely new lifestyle. It took me a few years to felt that Omaha is my home now. After graduating from college, I had the opportunity to work in the mortgage industry and I felt in love with it. I had very little knowledge of the homebuying process before I work in mortgage and that is why I love what I do. I am able to help my community and first-time homebuyers get the knowledge and make the dream come true. I now understand that there is a need on my community on getting to understand the home buying process and I am here to help as much as I can to cover that need.

I have five years of mortgage experience and my big focus and mission is to help everyone become a homeowner no matter of the situation I will be always willing to help. At Core Bank I have the resources and programs to be able to help and provide the best experience to my customers.

When you work with me you can expect an excellent customer service as well as trusted loan officer that will always be there to help and make the process as easy and fast as possible. I am passionate on educating my clients to find the best program that fits their needs. I love helping first time homebuyers!

Yo naci y creci en un rancho en Jalisco, Mexico. Tuve la opportunidad de venir a Estados Unidos cuando tenia 15 anos y despues de eso mi vida cambio completamente. No es facil llegar a un pais donde tienes que aprender un lenguaje nuevo y adaptarte a una forma nueva de vida. Me tomo unos anos sentir que Omaha es mi nuevo hogar pero lo logre. Tuve la opportunidad de empezar a trabajar en la industria hipotecaria como 5 anos atras y sabio muy poco de como era el proceso de comprar una casa pore so amo lo que hago. Ahora que tengo el conocimiento y se lo importante que es entenderlo me encanta ayudar ala comunidad y primeros compradores con el proceso sin importer la situacion. Se la necesidad tan grande que hay en la comunidad sobre el conocimiento de como comprar la casa que estoy aqui para ayudar en lo mas que pueda a mi comunidad.

Tengo 5 anos de experiencia en esta industria y mi mayor mission en esta carera es ayudar a mi comunidad lo mas que pueda. En Core Bank tengo el apoyo y los recursos para poderles ofrecer una excelente experiencia y buenos programas durante la compra de su casa.

Cuando trabajan conmigo como su asesor hipotecario van a tener a alguien honesto que siempre hace lo major para sus clients. Soy apasionada en ayudar primeros compradores y  en encontrar lo major opcion para las necesidades de mis clients.

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February: Friendship Month and Finances

February: Friendship Month and Finances

February is International Friendship Month, celebrating and strengthening the bonds we share with those closest to us. The month has various holidays bringing together friends for “Galentine’s Day” and the Super Bowl. Friends can have a surprisingly strong influence on your financial attitudes and behaviors, often without you even realizing it.

Contact me today!
402 829 3458
NMLS 2301485