Dec 12, 2013 | Personal

The car dealership that intimidates you throughout the year is more like Santa than the Grinch during the holidays, gifting the ride on your wish list at a big discount courtesy of manufacturer’s rebates and hard-to-pass-up finance deals. But does this wisdom ring true? YES and NO.
With the new year a few weeks away, timing is ripe to score great year-end deals.
Dealers have several reasons to give you a break.
Quotas. A sales rep may be just a couple of cars short of meeting his quarterly “numbers”. Without your sale, he may not get that year-end bonus.
Holiday bustle. Between party planning, shopping and wrapping work commitments, too-busy consumers turn dealerships into veritable ghost towns. Thrilled to see your face, salesmen may be eager to gift wrap a deal.
Out with the old. Dealerships have already moved the ‘14s in, and they’re ready to send the ‘13s out. You’ll get a still shiny car at a great price.
Zeroing in.
TrueCar.com, which provides pricing info formerly available only to those “in-the-know,” has the buying process down to a science. They report that seven of the year’s 10 best days to buy a vehicle are in December, running from the 10th to year’s end. Way to go December!
NO. Wait … It’s not that cut-and-dried.
You may be Scrooged out of your dream ride. Why? Dealers, anticipating a holiday rush for the very a fore-referenced reasons, pull back on inventory. By waiting, your selection of exterior and interior options and features may be limited.
Bottom line.
Taking various sources and factors into account, the time to get the best deal is a Monday or Tuesday in December — the later in the month, the better.
You’ll have more competition for reps’ time on the weekends. After all, if they can’t reach a deal with you there are more fish in the sea (there’s a reason those in the industry liken weekends on the lot to “tuna runs” — they keep reeling in more buyers!).
