We are highly dependent on electricity and use a lot of energy to keep our homes warm during the winter and cool during the summer. Heating and cooling costs are some of the most expensive bills that we pay throughout the year and there has been an issue that people have complained about. Energy isn’t cheap – According to the mortgage company Freddie Mac, an average U.S. family spends $2,200 per year on energy bills.
Homes account for 22% of the energy usage in the United States, according to Energy.gov. Our lights, chargers, laptops, and televisions are always plugged in. We have numerous options when it comes to saving money and conserving energy in our homes. Simple tasks such as taking shorter showers, keeping thermostats turned down, and unplugging unused appliances can all make a difference. The less energy we use, the better it is for the environment.
National Cut Your Energy Costs Day was first established by the Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance. Its relevance to wider society means that it is observed in numerous places throughout the world, including the U.S and the UK, where the media often choose this day to publish energy-saving tips for their readers.
- As a community, we can celebrate by sharing tips for energy reduction using the hashtag, #CutYourEnergyCostsDay on social media.
- Buy a programmable thermostat.
If your heating or air conditioning is on when you don’t need it, that’s the biggest source of wasted energy in American homes, right there. If you own your home, then installing a programmable thermostat should be straightforward but if you’re renting, then you’ll need to talk to the person who rents to you. That’s true of many energy efficiency measures: homeowners are more likely to take them than renters. But that doesn’t mean it’s not in your landlord’s interests, either. Firstly, they’re likely to retain tenants longer who are happier with their bills. Secondly, they might also share the belief that sustainability is everyone’s job. While you’re at it, buy new LED light bulbs – they might cost twice as much as CFL bulbs, but they last three times longer.
- Check that your appliances are energy efficient.
Did you know that the average U.S. household uses an average of 11,000 kWh of electricity per year? Most of us complain at buying a new fridge, freezer, dishwasher, or washer-dryer, but the truth is that many older models are so inefficient they might be costing you more in energy bills than it might cost to completely replace them. A little research should show you whether any of your appliances are officially energy hogs, and whether you might be able to save money over the medium term by replacing any of the most egregious offenders.
- Check your water usage.
Wasting water not only raises your water bill but the energy used to pump the water into your home and then, of course, to heat it, is a major source of energy use. Get an energy-efficient shower-head and turn your water off when you’re brushing your teeth. Check for any leaky faucets or a toilet cistern that fails to shut off.
If there’s one thing we really love, it’s a checklist, and National Cut Your Energy Costs Day is a great opportunity to get one together, taking a good look at a whole host of items in your home to ensure that you’re not only getting the best value for money but also minimizing waste.