billing practices

Transitions for the End of the Public Health Emergency

Transitions for the End of the Public Health Emergency

A lot has changed in the last three years, so it makes sense that the Covid “emergency” is coming to an end. When it will end is something we still will not know until we know, but all indications point to the end of the Public Health Emergency (PHE) sometime this spring.

New Year, New Insurance: 5 Steps for Billing Success in 2023

New Year, New Insurance: 5 Steps for Billing Success in 2023

This isn’t the first time we’ve discussed this and full transparency, it probably won’t be the last. Though patients have plan changes throughout the year, January 1 is always going to be a significant date to collect new insurance information because of the huge quantity of individuals whose plans expire/renew at the end of each year.

When Patients Need Financing

When Patients Need Financing

When you combine high-deductible health plans with high-cost services and a low-level of health literacy, it makes for a challenging situation. Unfortunately, that is the scenario for most of the United States, which often leaves patients in a precarious position.
