credit card

Get Smart About Credit

Get Smart About Credit

Getting smart about credit is a great goal! Here are some key steps to help you understand and manage your credit effectively so that you can effectively manage your credit and make informed financial decisions.

Tips For First-Time Home Buyers

Tips For First-Time Home Buyers

Buying a home can be daunting and difficult to begin and finding applicable resources can take some time if you are a first-time home buyer. Well, Core Bank is here to help! 1. Speak to a Core Bank Mortgage Lender Before looking at potential new homes with a realtor,...

How To Build a Great Credit Score

How To Build a Great Credit Score

There are many benefits to having a good credit score such as better rates on car insurance, lower credit card interest and having more housing options. Learn how you can improve your credit score today!   Start with one credit card   Be careful not to make...
