New Year’s Resolutions

Financial New Year’s Resolutions for 2024

Financial New Year’s Resolutions for 2024

There are already signs of a more positive and affordable 2024. Whether you have financial regrets or not, let’s look at the main causes of money problems, what to expect in 2024, and how to get back on track if needed.

Train your Budget and Get Financially Fit

Train your Budget and Get Financially Fit

How much time do you spend on your finances each week? Stay on track with your financial goals in the new year by taking these steps which may also help you better prepare for the future. If there is a potential major downturn in the economy later in the year, a recession might affect you less than others who do not prepare.

Make SMART Goals for Your Home and Family

Make SMART Goals for Your Home and Family

The new year is the perfect time to reassess your needs as a family and set goals for your housing plans. If homeownership or selling a home is part of your vision this year, it is essential for you to understand the housing market, define your goals and work with industry experts.

Financial Goals for 2023

Financial Goals for 2023

Are you looking to save more money this year? Maybe you are looking to purchase a home, go on vacation or build your emergency fund. An option to make the process of saving fun is by participating in a savings challenge. There is a 52-week saving challenge many people like to do each year that will enable you to make saving into a game
