Core Bank is proud to celebrate Women’s History Month and feature women making an impact at Core Bank throughout the month. Meet Cyndi Cloward, AVP, Loan Servicing Manager. Cyndi has been in banking for 17 years where she started
Cyndi has had various mentors throughout her time in the financial field. The most constant and inspiring ones have been coworkers, Amie and Marie. Cyndi and Amie have been at three different institutions together and Amie has shown Cyndi how to advocate for the role she wants and how to not be afraid to say no to keep work/life balance. Marie has helped her to find her managerial style and develop Cyndi into the person she is today.
Cyndi believes that a successful leader has the perfect balance of empathy and determination. Empathy is needed to relate to your employees as individuals and not just workers. Determination ensures that while employees are appreciated that the work is getting done and progress is being made in their area.
She shared that a significant barrier in her career was having her voice be heard. At times due to social settings or ingrained training, speaking up for others to hear and bring forth ideas is not always simple. At times if she did not have evidence or the backing of another it would seem like her thoughts would fall on deaf ears. Learning to assert herself and not backdown due to gender was a trait I had to learn.
Cyndi shared that she was a “military brat” growing up so she is used to moving around and meeting new people. She loves to help people and be a sounding board for those that need it. When her oldest was in high school, she helped coach his JRTOC drill team and travel with them to nationals for the three years they were able to go.
Cyndi believes that organizations can support and encourage women by normalizing time off for children’s events and sicknesses – as it is part of being a parent. If a male colleague takes time off, they are praised as being a great parent while when a female colleague takes time off, it is seen as a weakness or burden.
Advice Cyndi would share with other women is to find your village – the people you surround yourself with that ground you and support you in your growth. When things get tough, your village will be there as an ear to listen and when needed give advice. Stay true to yourself and know that your opinions are valid, but at times your ideas are not the best route so with grace accept the no’s you hear and strive to change what you can.
Cyndi keeps busy with her family including two children – Bryan and Jackson. She married her husband, Kyle, with a Harry Potter theme in 2022. They have two dogs Daisy – an Ausie shelty and Kamala – a border collie mix along with two cats – Hana and Kratos.