Core Bank kicked off celebrating its 10-year anniversary in September. As part of recognizing this milestone, we wanted to give back to the community and help our staff make a difference. Community involvement is ingrained in our identity, so we couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate 10 years than to give back. Staff were given envelopes with $10 to surprise someone outside of the bank and outside of our family, to add a little light to their day. Someone could place the envelope in a box of diapers, give to the person next to them in a food line getting or just noticing if someone isn’t having a good day and putting a smile on their face.
Staff were creative and caring in how they went about passing their Random Act of Kindness. Josh put his envelope in the neighbor’s mailbox. Amy shared hers with Dottie, a door greeter at the nearby HyVee she regularly visits. Dottie was very appreciative of the gesture and said it made her day. Carolyn shared her envelope with a man near her church in an older area of town and he was very thankful. Marie passed hers along in the Scooters drive-thru where she gave her envelope to the associate at the window and explained to give it to the person behind her. Thad also provided his to a customer at a coffee shop.
Listen more about Core Bank’s 10-Year Anniversary or watch the latest podcast featuring Chief People Officer, Lindsey Wedel.
Watch for more of Core Bank in the community in November when we support the Nebraska Diaper Bank with our Diaper Drive. Thank you for celebrating You at the Core with us!