Core Bank Blog

The Core Bank blog serves as a resource for customers to learn more about topics like financial literacy, loans, digital banking, real estate, business, and community events. We’re your go-to source for all things banking-related!

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RoKC: If at First You DO Succeed…

RoKC: If at First You DO Succeed…

By Alicia Walker, SBA Relationship Manager, Core Bank How many times have you heard the saying, "If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again?" Well, what if you DO succeed? Then, what do you do? If you follow the example of Andrew and Frank Potter, owners of RoKC,...

Golden Oaks. If not you, who?

Golden Oaks. If not you, who?

By Alicia Walker, SBA Relationship Manager, Core Bank I’ve been a small business owner for over eleven years and a business banker for twice as long. I continue to be fascinated by the "why I got started in business" stories of my clients. Sometimes, those stories are...

Shark Sighting in Downtown KC!

Shark Sighting in Downtown KC!

By Jason Moxness, Market President, Core Bank Question: What happens when you put 30 hungry sharks in a room with 10 Entrepreneurs? Answer:  You witness an outpouring of generosity and support for some of KC’s best and brightest creative thought leaders! Where did all...

Help Wanted! We're looking for exceptional people.

Help Wanted! We're looking for exceptional people.

By Ali Shoup, Vice President, Core Bank The old adage, HELP WANTED. What does this mean in today’s world of record-low unemployment and a multi-generational workforce? It means; a timely opportunity for talent to be rewarded, unprecedented pressure for companies to...

The importance of picking one direction.

The importance of picking one direction.

By Scott Schulz, Vice President, Mortgage Lending, Core Bank It was an odd time to be thinking of the band One Direction. Just a few seconds earlier I was laughing with my family, enjoying a fast section of river during our Colorado white water rafting trip this past...

Bankers Without Coffee: A Horror Story

By Bridget Clark, SBA Credit Manager, Core Bank Most Bankers require coffee in the morning for their brains to function properly. I'm one of those rare Bankers who doesn't drink coffee, but I'm fully aware that I should never talk to, or look a Banker in the eye,...


The articles in this blog are for informational purposes only and not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations. When making decisions about your financial situation, consult a financial professional for advice. Articles are not regularly updated, and information may become outdated.