
Choices for When a Certificate of Deposit (CD) Matures

When you open a CD, it is clear exactly how much money you will earn in interest by the end of the CD term. It is just a matter of applying the interest rate and doing simple math as your rate won’t change during the CD term. Put your money into a high-rate certificate of deposit and reap the rewards of our special offer interest rates.

Seven Tips to Safeguard Your Home for the Holidays

Trips, falls, thefts, fires and pet-related accidents are among the insurance perils of the holiday season. According to claim-related data from past years, the average homeowners’ loss from fire or lighting is almost $84,000. Average costs of bodily injury or property damage liability claims came in at $31,690. To minimize your claims risk, consider adding these to your to-do list.

Get Smart About Credit

Getting smart about credit is a great goal! Here are some key steps to help you understand and manage your credit effectively so that you can effectively manage your credit and make informed financial decisions.
