
Say “I Do” to Your Wedding Budget Before Walking Down the Aisle

If you are planning a wedding, you’ll have to remember that the wedding is about your marriage and not spending over your budget so that you are paying for it for years after your celebration. It would also be better to invest in your housing future by setting aside the extra money you would’ve spent toward the wedding.

Home Health Pulse During Heart Month

February is Heart Month and it’s a good time to check your home health pulse. Some questions to ask yourself are your short and long-term personal goals, look at your current home equity and how best to use it, and review the term of your mortgage.

Train your Budget and Get Financially Fit

How much time do you spend on your finances each week? Stay on track with your financial goals in the new year by taking these steps which may also help you better prepare for the future. If there is a potential major downturn in the economy later in the year, a recession might affect you less than others who do not prepare.

Make SMART Goals for Your Home and Family

The new year is the perfect time to reassess your needs as a family and set goals for your housing plans. If homeownership or selling a home is part of your vision this year, it is essential for you to understand the housing market, define your goals and work with industry experts.

Financial Goals for 2023

Are you looking to save more money this year? Maybe you are looking to purchase a home, go on vacation or build your emergency fund. An option to make the process of saving fun is by participating in a savings challenge. There is a 52-week saving challenge many people like to do each year that will enable you to make saving into a game

Preparing Your Home for Winter

Extreme winter weather can leave neighborhoods and communities without power or other public services for long periods of time. It is a smart idea to prepare your home for such winter weather emergencies as well as cold weather throughout the season that can cause minor issues or even evolve into larger problems.

Community Banking: The Treat That Keeps on Giving

Nobody likes tricks when it comes to banking, which is why Core Bank focuses on the “treats” that distinguish us as trusted lenders and keep our customers happy through remarkable experiences. We won’t disguise tricks as treats or leave customers holding the bag during times of need.

Fall in Love with Your Home

Colder temperatures and the changing color of leaves serve as a reminder that the fall season is here. It is an excellent time to do seasonal maintenance and updates to keep your home in tip-top condition.

Buying a House Doesn’t Have to Be a Nightmare

While interest rates are a big consideration when buying a home, you don’t want to waste away and become a skeleton while waiting as there are other important factors to consider. This year, inflation reached a high not seen in forty years. With both mortgage rates and rent prices rising, which makes the “rent or buy?” question trickier and purchasing a home possibly a “scarier” season than ever.
