JW modifier

Accounts Receivables A/R Follow-Up: Strategies & Importance

Accounts Receivables A/R Follow-Up: Strategies & Importance

Accounts receivable is often one of the most important areas of revenue cycle management as it represents potential money. In fact, A/R is considered an asset for that reason. The challenging part is that if A/R is not followed-up with quickly enough it can become a liability for the organization instead. Non-federal payers typically have timely filing/appeal limits between 120 – 180 days on average. When A/R ages beyond that it largely becomes uncollectable.

A New Modifier for Discarded Drugs (JZ)

A New Modifier for Discarded Drugs (JZ)

Discarded drugs have had a tumultuous history in healthcare. Though there are ways to bill for discarded drugs it can be challenging to receive adequate compensation for the amount wasted and the time taken to bill for them.
