Summer is hot! We all know that. We want our air conditioners on full blast and a cool drink in our hand. But this is also a season of high energy bills. So what can you do to keep your bills low and your home cool? Here are six tips for lowering your energy bill this summer.
Turn off lights
This is one of the easiest and simplest ways you save energy. When you leave a room, simply turn off the light behind you. This might seem like a no brainer, but if we were just a little more aware of unnecessary lights on in our homes, we might just see the difference in our energy bills. Also, during the day, try to keep main lights off. Let the natural light of the day keep the room bright. There’s something refreshing about having natural light in your home.
Unplug devices
Getting in the habit of unplugging unused appliances and devices is an overall smart and effective tactic. Energy is still being transferred through a plug even if it’s not being used. Learn to unplug unnecessary devices and appliances when you’re not using them.
Use ceiling fans (or other types of fans)
Let the cool air in your home circulate regularly. You can lessen the use of your air conditioner and use fans to spread cool air throughout your home.
Make use of window shades and blinds
When leaving the house or when not using a particular room, cover the windows with shades and blinds to reduce outside heat from coming into your home. This can be beneficial in keeping things cool and reducing the amount of money you’re spending on cooling the house.
Open your windows
On cool nights, give your AC a break by opening windows and letting the naturally cooler air help chill your home.
Check your AC filters regularly
When using your air conditioner on an everyday basis, it can become dirty and less efficient in doing its job. By replacing the filter regularly, the air in your home will move more easily and will ultimately lower the cost of your energy bill.
All of these tips are easy and simple to implement. We all want to save money while staying cool on those hot summer days. Make these a part of your daily life and you’ll see the difference in your bill.