Core Bank Blog

The Core Bank blog serves as a resource for customers to learn more about topics like financial literacy, loans, digital banking, real estate, business, and community events. We’re your go-to source for all things banking-related!

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The car dealership that intimidates you throughout the year is more like Santa than the Grinch during the holidays, gifting the ride on your wish list at a big discount courtesy of manufacturer’s rebates and hard-to-pass-up finance deals. But does this wisdom ring...

Make tax time a little less….taxing.

Taxes are a constant every year. With just two short months before year end, now is the time to get a solid game plan in place for your 2013 tax filings, and 2014 tax strategy. Here are a few tips to get your preparation started.   Income tax withholding. Review how...

Core Bank supports crime prevention program in veterans homes

Centennial Bank and now Core Bank with the Senior Housing Crime Prevention Foundation (SHCPF) in 2010.  The Foundation along with the Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA) and the American Bankers Association (ABA) join forces to ensure that 40,000 Veterans...

Outsmart Old Man Winter with Home Improvements

Did you hear the dismal forecast? The vaunted Farmer’s Almanac is predicting a torturous mix of above-normal precipitation and below-normal temps this winter. Is your home ready for the frigid onslaught? It’s estimated 30 percent of your heat and, in turn,...

Want to Buy a Home? Why Your Credit Score Matters…

Want to Buy a Home? Why Your Credit Score Matters…

Right up there with your blood pressure, cholesterol and Social Security number, your credit score is one of the more vital numbers in your life. Some scores are healthier than others. Have your finger on the pulse of your credit; a poor score will keep you from...

Core Bank, Coming Soon!

Core Bank, Coming Soon!

In February, Centennial Bank’s board of directors approved a plan to merge with Omaha State Bank. Our teams have been hard at work preparing for this transition, and on September 3rd we will open the doors as Core Bank. We have a new name, but all of the same...

Have you saved enough for retirement?

A number of online savings calculators demonstrate how much your savings will be worth in the future. Just plug in your current savings, how many years you plan to save, and average annual gains and -- thanks to compounding interest -- you see how your savings grows...

How to outfox the grocery store, and save

Our efforts to save $$$ on groceries -- from racking up points on our loyalty cards to clipping coupons -- may be futile, unless we know the tactics employed by retailers to get us to part with our hard-earned dollars. When we’re aware of these tactics, we respond...


The articles in this blog are for informational purposes only and not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations. When making decisions about your financial situation, consult a financial professional for advice. Articles are not regularly updated, and information may become outdated.