
Riding Out the Storm

By Jason Moxness, Market President, Core Bank To call me a biker might be a bit of a stretch, but I’ve had bikes off and on since I was 10 years old. My first bike was a Honda Trail CT70. My most recent was a 9-foot long rigid (no suspension) Chopper. And there were a...

Because You Served, We Serve You

By Alicia Walker, SBA Relationship Manager, Core Bank One of my most memorable “character-building” experiences happened when I was in the Army some 25+ years ago. I remember is like it was yesterday. Well, not quite, my memory ain’t what it used to be. But, here’s...

An Ode to the Mom Purse

By Bridget Clark, SBA Credit Manager, Core Bank There was a time, long, long ago, where I could buy cute little purse, big enough to carry my identification, lip gloss, and a breath mint and I was ready to go out into the world. I wasn’t prepared for the amount of...

Want to do things differently? Go Left.

By Tricia Luedke, Vice President, Private Banking, Core Bank Doing something different isn’t easy but with strong leadership, ambition and the ability to learn from new opportunities why not try to Go Left? As I was watching my eight-year-old play basketball for the...

Pedal to the Metal – Face in the Sun

By Gita Smith, Senior Administration Officer, Core Bank “OK Gita, its 6:30 p.m. Pack it up and go home.” I look up from my computer screen to see our Market President, Jason Moxness, standing in my office doorway. “I will,” I respond smiling, knowing it will be...

Do you have Socks Appeal?

Do you have Socks Appeal?

By Jason Moxness, Market President, Core Bank Last summer, I wrote a blog about my personal Revolution (or maybe Evolution) about my battle with every banker’s strangling nemesis – the classic neck tie! I'm happy to report that I'm now 183 days free from the bondage...

Paula Lay: Why I am working at Core Bank

By Paula Lay, SBA Senior Servicing Specialist, Core Bank Last September I was contemplating my career. After working a year as a credit analyst at a wonderful $40 million bank in my home town, I was restless. I craved professional development. I wanted to learn more,...

A Simple Act of Kindness

By Bridget Clark, SBA Credit Manager, Core Bank It was a cold dark night, and I was driving like a crazy woman to get my nervous 9 year old to his first ever wrestling practice. (I wasn’t sure if he was nervous because of my driving or his first practice, but that is...
